Generate a sitemap to feed to Google
generate leads. Scrolling further down we find the intermediate pages and then at the end the articles. These elements must be connected in a hierarchical manner , where the juice flows from the less important pages towards those that are more important. I am more so. Imagine having many glasses full of water to fill a large bucket with. Water is the juice and every glass in its own small way helps to fill the bucket. Organizing content in this way is the most effective way to position yourself on Google and Bing . That said, here are the main steps to follow when designing (or restyling) your website. The Steps to optimize the Site Structure Establish which are the most important pages of your website (a research on the search intentions with which you want to position.
yourself will be useful and use it to Phone Number List which pages of your site should mainly position themselves on search engines) Determine what the Categories will be for your articles Determine what the TAGS will be for your articles Design the main navigation menu taking care to include the most important pages of the site (depending on the structure it may also include categories or tags) Taking into account the shape of the permalinks you have chosen depending on your project, create your breadcrumbs trying not to lengthen them with too many elements Use the Footer to insert useful links to strategic pages and Bing We have reached the end of this article, which deals with a topic that is fundamental to me for SEO. Personally, it is the.
first thing I take care of before starting to create a website and it has often happened to me that in order to make sites that were not ranking work, I had to upset all the previous structure and do it all over again. This has led to an improvement of the sites in the medium to long term, because for Google to digest the change, it takes time and patience. This is why it is always better to design the structure of the site before even starting to create it.How many times has it happened that a user visits your e-commerce site , puts a product in the cart and then doesn't finalize the sale ? You can be sure that it has. |