Have 2 people on the call so you can be
It is also important to show that you have prepared the interview thoroughly:
Prepare for the interview so you don't waste time on things you already know.
on the same page and have someone focused on taking notes.
Make sure they understand that the information collected is line data for market research and will not be used for commercial purposes under any circumstances.
Have the person's information on hand (LinkedIn, basic information about the purchase)
Avoid naming or asking about a competitor
Avoid direct questions about the company and its solutions
Finally, we give you some extra tips so that you can make the most of the information provided in the interview:
Write down key words from each sentence. This allows us to then ask questions using the same concepts that we have been using.
Record the session (it is important to request permission at the beginning)
Ultimately, you need to give your potential customers a voice through thorough research, as they will show you the way forward.
As Adele Revella, the author and founder of the Buyer Persona Institute , says, “If it doesn't come from a buyer's mouth, it's a guesswork.” So, you know, put aside all your intuitions and base your marketing plan on the real needs of your buyer persona! Good luck!
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Sarah Vercheval
Sarah Vercheval
Marketing Director at InboundCycle, responsible for strengthening the brand, consolidating our position as a leading agency and finding new channels for capturing business opportunities. She also teaches classes and speaks at conferences on marketing and sales at different business schools, universities and events.
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